Position Yourself As The Expert
Today, more than ever, we need to stand out from the crowd.
Your hard-earned professional experience means nothing online if, when a prospect is looking to decide between you or your company´s services and that of your competition, you cannot showcase your expertise at the very moment they are looking to find out about you.
In today´s world clients, employers and prospects are blessed with choice.
A simple Google search for an accountant, coach, consultant, doctor, chef, builder, agent etc. will list a multitude of potential candidates, a telephone call to a friend may yield 3 or 4 choices and with remote working become the norm rather than the exception proximity is no longer a deciding factor.
On a corporate level who you are is just as important; ultimately people deal with people. Banks, investors and employers want to know who they are dealing with.
This is where authority positioning comes in, to ensure that when prospects look for you online they can find out about your expertise via interviews, write ups and press releases, and ultimately choose you or your company!
Click on the images below to read the interviews and press releases.

Professional Interviews
Find our more about positioning yourself as the expert
Press releases can appear across 100´s of major news sites, including Fox News, ABC News, Yahoo Finance, USA Today, Market Watch & more…

Personal Press Releases
Contact us for more information on how we can help you promote yourself

Simple Personal Website